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33 Arundle Rd. Bass Hill NSW 2197, Australia
Phone: 02 97249852 Mobile: +61421556585 Email:
Viber, FaceTime and iMessage: +61421556585

Dr. Tanya Nguyen
AMEB International Examiner
AMEB Ambassador to Vietnam
PhD, Master OF Music (UNSW)
BMus (Hons)( perf)
GradDip (Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory)(Perf)
Director of Western Sydney Piano School
Full Member of The Music Teachers' Association of NSW, Australia
2002-2007 Winner of VN- Australian Government scholarship to study a doctor's degree at UNSW.
1999 -2000 Winner of Australian Government Scholarship to study Master Degree at University of New South Wales
First prize winner in the country for scholarship to study at Moscow
Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Russia at the age of 14.
First prize winner in the country for a scholarship to study at the
National Conservatory of Music at the age of 7
2008 Lecturer at Sydney Church of England Grammar School
2009 Lecturer at Australian Institute of Music
2010 Director at Bass Hill School of Music
Performance in Russia in 1990
Performance in Tokyo in 1995
Performance in Sydney in 2008
Dr. Tanya Nguyen
Western Sydney Piano School
33 Arundle Rd
Bass Hill, NSW 2197
Tel: 0421556585
Fax: 123-456-7890
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